“The Connected Car is one of the most exciting innovations we have seen in over a century of automotive development” writes Carlos Morales, M2M Director, Four-Faith Digital, in the Connected Car Report 2013. It will open “incredible opportunities for the consumer, the automotive industry and the mobile industry alike”. The event Connected Car 13, that starts tomorrow in Amsterdam, will be a great occasion to discover what is happening in the sector
More than 30 keynotes and discussions will discuss business models, how the industry is engaging with the app developer community, the connection of smartphones to cars, the payment for infotainment, how the user will control his vehicle through apps and the safety on the road that the connected car brings.
Mark Dawson, senior conference researcher for Informa Telecoms explains that the industry debate is focusing on unearthing the business models and monetizing strategies that will guarantee the financial success of the Connected Car. “With contributions from leading Auto-OEMs, innovative connectivity and infotainment providers and the whole connected car ecosystem, Connected Cars is where you need to be to identify you future connected car monetisation strategy”, assures Dawson.
Four-Faith will provide a valuable document to be discussed coinciding with the event. The Connected Car Report, launched on June 20th, offers detailed information about what the challenges of the industry are, how it’s facing them and how the future of vehicles will be thanks to machine-to-machine technology.
According to the prediction that Machina Research makes in the report, we will see connectivity become the norm in vehicles in the next 10 years: “Today, this market comprises primarily aftermarket devices. However, the next few years will fact, we predict that by 2020, 90% of new cars will feature such a platform, growing from less than 10% today”.
We will keep you updated on everything that’s happening around the event on our web(wireless industrial router ) and on our Social Media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +).